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Education Expo

Yesterday, my school held 'Education Expo 2011'.There were 42 colleges joined the expo.In fact, only the form 5 and form 6 students were allowed to go to the expo to get some information about studies.The other students were not allowed to see the expo.

During the recess time, my friends and I were chating at the school's pavilion.We saw some form 3 and form 4 students went to the expo.One of my friends suggested that we went to the expo for a view.Because of our interesting, we decided went to see the expo.

When we were passing the stalls , the persons of the colleges quickly promoted their colleges to us.They also gave us some manuals.They asked that what were the subjects we wanted to study.We told them about the course we interested and they gave us some professional suggestion.

The teacher of our photographic club was busy capturing pictures and some committees of our photographic's club were took photographs here too.

We went around the expo and got so many manuals of different colleges.After that, the teacher made an announcement about the form 3 and form 4 students must come back to our classes.We quickly walked back to our own classes.




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